NITI Aayog

    • • To create and promote an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship across the country at school, university, research institutions, MSME and industry levels.
    • • It is envisaged as an umbrella innovation organization that would play an instrumental role in alignment of innovation policies between central, state and sectoral innovation schemes
    • • It has two core functions:
      • o Entrepreneurship promotion through Self-Employment and Talent Utilization (SETU), wherein innovators would be supported and mentored to become successful entrepreneurs.
      • o Innovation promotion: to provide a platform where innovative ideas are generated
    • • The holistic framework includes-
      • o Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs) where students from Class 6th to Class 12th learn innovation skills and develop ideas.
        • ✓ Atal Tinkering Marathon: The marathon puts nation-wide challenge in 6 thematic areas namely Clean Energy, Water resources, Waste management, Healthcare, Smart mobility, and Agri-tech to find out the best student innovators of India.
      • o Atal Incubation Centres (AICs) & Atal Community Innovation Centers (ACIC):
        • They will be set up at the university, NGO, SME and Corporate industry levels for promoting entrepreneurship in universities and industry.
      • o Atal New India Challenges and Atal Grand Challenges –
        • To promote technology driven innovations and product creation for social and commercial impact
      • o Mentor India Campaign:
        • It’s a strategic nation building initiative to engage leaders who can guide and mentor students. Industry, Academia, Government, Global Collaborations as a key to success.
    • • Recently, under Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog joined hands with NASSCOM to roll out Artificial Intelligence Modules in Indian schools to leverage the full potential of AIM’s Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL). The module contains activities, videos and experiments that enable students to work through and learn the various concepts of AI. 
    • • To initiate transformation in the education and health sectors
    • • Aims to identify and build future ‘role model’ states.
    • • NITI Aayog will work in close collaboration with the state machinery to design a robust roadmap of intervention, develop a program governance structure, set up monitoring and tracking mechanisms, handhold state institutions through the execution stage and provide support on a range of institutional measures to achieve the end objectives.
    • • For Health Sector, NITI Ayog has elected Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Karnataka while for education sectors (SATH-E) Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Odisha.
    • • It will be funded through a cost-sharing mechanism between NITI Aayog and the participating states.
    • • SATH-Education Roadmaps-2018-2020 by NITI Aayog: it involves a tripartite arrangement between the 3 states, Niti Aayog and knowledge partners (Boston Consulting Group and Piramal Foundation for Education Leadership) 
    • To quickly and effectively transform some of the most underdeveloped districts of the country.
    • • It focuses on transforming 117 districts across 28 states that have witnessed the least progress along certain development parameters.
    • • Broad contours of the programme include convergence (of central and state schemes), collaboration (of central, state level ‘Prabhari’ officers & district collectors), and competition among districts.
    • • 49 indicators across five core dimensions have been identified: health and nutrition (30%), education (30%), financial inclusion and skill development (20%), agriculture and water resources (20%), and basic infrastructure (10%).
    • • Dashboard to monitor real-time progress in the districts.
    • • Cooperative Federalism: Local, state and central governments work together to design, implement and monitor measures to drive development in the districts. 
    • to promote “clean, connected, shared and sustainable” mobility initiative in the country.
    • • It will have an inter-ministerial steering committee, chaired by CEO, NITI Aayog that will coordinate among key stakeholders to integrate various initiatives to transform mobility in India.
    • • It will support and implement Phased Manufacturing Programme (valid for 5 years till 2024) for large scale, export competitive integrated batteries and cell-manufacturing Giga plants in India.
    • • The Mission will launch another programme to localize production across entire Electric vehicle value chain and finalise its details.
    • • The Mission will have ‘Make in India’ strategy for Electric Vehicle components and battery technologies. 
  • Gandhian Challenge
    • • AIM, NITI Aayog’s Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) and UNICEF India, including Generation Unlimited, launched ‘The Gandhian Challenge’ on the 150th birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
    • • This innovation challenge provides a platform for every child across India to ideate innovative solutions for a sustainable India of their dreams, using Gandhi’s principles expressed through broad categories: Art & Innovation (Letters, poems, painting, videos and photos, among others) and Science, Technology & Innovation (Robotics, IoT, sensors and 3D printers, among others).
    • • It was launched by Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) India.
    • • It aims at accelerating social entrepreneurship and innovation in young India.
    • • The first phase of Youth Co:Lab will focus on six SDGs: SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).
    • • Youth Co:Lab will convene social innovation challenges at the national and sub-national level, which will invite young people in the age group of 18-29 years and start-ups to showcase their proposed ideas and solutions to tackle some of the region’s biggest social challenges.
