Notions of God

• Material cause, efficient cause , prime mover , creator, destroyer, Better than world
• Religious - personalistic , anthromorphic, Numinous exp, Revelation, creator , preserver , destroyer, supernatural
• Philosophical - abstract, dualistic, Monistic, Noumena , intellect speculation
• Mystical - Transpersonal, ineffable, monistic, personal, abstract

• Personalistic-  omni -3 , eternal & ~, beyond S&T , kind , just, virtous, perfect , plato , descartes , Kant, NV, Vaishanv vedant , metaphysical superior
• POE, perfect god- good will - purposefulness - lack something- finiteness& imperfectness
• Impersonalistic - indescribalbe , everything is god , nirguna , indeterminate , Nirankar, neti neti , spinoza , shankara, Shikhism (waheguru)

• Naturalistic - Nature & constituent , worship of natural forces , Daoism , Hinduism , Zeno (Stoicism - all is nature ), spinoza - God is all & all is God,  love for nature , environmentcentrism , Biocentrism
• Explain natural event on illogical fear & Faith , Open Morality - worship of Moon etc
• Naturalistic god vs naturalism (caravaka)


Necessity -

Omnipotence - poe
Omniscience -
• Future , past present , problem in free will, omnipotence

Immutability - justice denial

Relation to Man and the World. (Indian and Western)

Deism - perfect machine , no need to interfere  absentee landlord

Religious satisfaction

Pantheism - god is all & all is god, indwelling force , immanent

Panentheism - god is beyond world


Immanence & transcendence
Shankar Reconcile - Vyavharika <Theism transcendence > & parmarthik < Panentheism , Immanence >
