Peasant Movement

  • Land Revenue system
  • Repeated Crop failure
  • Forced eviction 
  • Bonded labours

  • The Faqir and Sanyasi Rebellions (1770–1820s): 
    • Bengal increased land revenue and the exploitation of the peasants
    • Bengal famine of 1770 led peasants whose lands were confiscated, displaced zamindars, disbanded soldiers and poor to come together in a rebellion. 
    • joined by the Sanyasis and Fakirs.
  • The Indigo Rebellion (1859-1862): 
    • zamindars and peasants forced to pay high taxes and grow commercial crops. 
    • Peasants launched a movement for non-cultivation of indigo in Bengal. 
  • Faraizi Movement (1838-1848): 
    • first ever no-tax campaign led by Shariatullah Khan and Dadu Mian. 
    • fought heroically with the armed group of Indigo planters and zamindars. 
    • cultivators of Bengal against the tyranny and illegal extractions by the landlords
  • Wahabi Movement (1830’s-1860’s): 
    • led by Syed Ahmed Barelvi of Rae Bareilly, 
    • influenced by the teachings of Abdul Wahab of Arabia and Shah Waliullah, a Delhi saint.
    • religious, class struggle, especially in Bengal.
    • Irrespective of communal distinctions, peasants united against their landlords.
  • Pabna Agrarian Unrest: 
    • Against zamindars increasing rent beyond legal limits & prevent the tenants from acquiring occupancy right under Act X of 1859. 
    • May 1873, an agrarian league was formed at Yusuf Shahi Pargana in Pabna district of East Bengal 
  • Deccan Riots:
      • Pune and Ahmednagar districts of Maharashtra in 1875 
      • high land revenue in the Ryotwari System.
