• Addressing common man’s grievances, and simultaneously monitoring and reviewing important programmes and projects of the Government of India as well as projects flagged by State Governments
    • A multi-purpose and multi-modal platform that uniquely bundles three latest technologies:
      • o Digital data management,
      • o video-conferencing and
      • o Geo-spatial technology.
    • • A three-tier system comprising of PMO, Union Government Secretaries, and Chief Secretaries of the States
    • • It ensures cooperative federalism as it brings on one stage the Secretaries of Government of India and the Chief Secretaries of the States.
    • • It will strengthen and re-engineer the data bases of the CPGRAMS for grievances, Project Monitoring Group (PMG) and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.
    • • It is not a public web platform 
  • National Defence Fund
    • • It is used for the welfare of the members of the Armed Forces (including Para Military Forces) and their dependents
    • • The Fund is administered by an Executive Committee, with PM as Chairperson, and Defence, Finance and Home Ministers as Members.
    • • Finance Minister is the Treasurer of the Fund. Accounts of the Fund are kept with the Reserve Bank of India.
    • • The fund is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions from the public and does not get any budgetary support.
  • PM National Relief fund
    • • It was set up in 1948 to assist displaced persons from Pakistan. Now it is used for people in certain difficult circumstances
    • • It also provides assistance to partially defray the expenses for medical treatment like heart surgeries, cancer treatment and acid attack etc.
    • • The fund consists entirely of public contributions and does not get any budgetary support.
    • • The corpus of the fund is invested with scheduled commercial banks in various forms.
    • • Disbursements are made with the approval of the Prime Minister.
    • • PMNRF has not been constituted by the Parliament.
    • • The fund is recognized as a Trust under the Income Tax Act and the same is managed by Prime Minister or multiple delegates for national causes.
    • • Contributions towards PMNRF are notified for 100% deduction from taxable income under section 80(G) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
