• Scheme
  • Sishu Suraksha App- Assam
    • • To empower citizens to take moral responsibility of protecting future generations.
    • • It will enable users from all over Assam to lodge complaints about violation of child rights
  • Saur Sujala Yojana- Chhattisgarh
    • Solar powered irrigation pumps of 3HP and 5HP capacity would be distributed to farmers by March 2019.
  • Bhavantar Bharpai Yojana- Haryana
    • • The aim of this scheme is to assure farmers of fair prices for their produce and emphasizing on diversification of crops.
    • • Under this, basic prices of crops are fixed and if the farmers get lesser than the fixed price for listed crops, then the government will compensate them for it.
    • • Haryana is the first state in the country to do so to protect the interests of farmers.
  • Krishi Bhagya scheme- Karnataka
    • • Helping farmers take up water conservation measures such as constructing farm ponds in their agriculture land and saving every drop of rainwater for use during dry spells to protect standing crops.
  • Saubhagyavati Scheme - Madhya Pradesh
    • • The scheme provides for electricity to the poor in state on the basis of a fixed electricity bill irrespective of their power consumption
  • Bhavantar Bhugtan Yojana (BBY) - Madhya Pradesh
    • • The government pays farmers the difference between official Minimum Support Price (MSP) and the rate at which they sell their crops or Model Price whichever is higher
    • • To compensate farmers in the event of a price crash and to that extent hedge the price risk faced by them.
  • Cyber Safe Women Initiative - Maharashtra
    • • Under this, awareness camps and interactive sessions in the form of presentations, lectures and case studies will be held across all the districts of the state regarding cyber safety.
    • • This initiative will help in educating women about how the web is used by anti-social elements and child predators to commit various types of crimes.
  • Drink from Tap Mission Odisha
    • • It aims at providing piped quality drinking water supply to each household on a 24-hour basis.
    • • For this Letter of Understanding (LoU) has been signed between the state government UNICEF.
    • • Adoption of community-based water management system at ward-level, involving Women Self help Groups, which will ensure the household connection for every household, meter reading, billing, collection of water tariff, complaint management, filed quality testing by using standard tools, etc."
  • Odisha Liveable Habitat Mission (OLHM) or Jaga Mission
    • • To grant land rights to thousands of slum dwellers.
    • • Under the programme 1,725 slums were surveyed using drones and GIS technology, while door-to- door household survey also conducted to grant land rights certificates (LRCs) to 52,682 families.
    • • Exercise also involved community mobilisation to get the slum dwellers to agree and cooperation in the exercise.
    • • Recently, or Jaga Mission won the bronze at World Habitat Awards.
  • KALIA (Krushak Assistance for Livelihood and Income Augmentation) scheme Odisha
    • • To provide the financial supports to Small, marginal farmers and also landless agricultural labourers of the state.
    • • Under KALIA Scheme, the government will provide 5 types of benefits to the beneficiaries through DBT such as Support for Cultivation; Livelihood support; Life insurance; Financial assistance for sustenance of farmers not able to take up cultivation due to old age, disability, disease etc.; Interest free crop loan.
  • JalSathi Odisha
    • • JalSathi aims to ensure the supply of clean drinking water to consumers through piped water connections
    • • The scheme is implemented by women volunteers who serve as ‘Jalasathis’ who will act as link between consumers and the government.
    • • The ‘Jalasathis’ will be included from Mission Shakti.
    • • Earlier, the Odisha government had engaged the women self-help groups under the 'Mission Shakti', for the collection of power dues, paddy procurement and mid-day meal preparation activities
  • Jan Soochna Portal (JSP)- Rajasthan
    • • It was developed by the Department of Information Technology and Communication (DoIT&C) in collaboration with civil society and other stakeholders.
    • • It is the first of its kind system in the country and has information about 23 government schemes and services from 13 departments on a single platform.
    • • The portal provides explanation of the schemes and real time information on beneficiaries, authorities in charge, progress, etc which the public can access with on their computers, mobiles or kiosks installed in villages.
    • • The initiative is inspired by the spirit of Section 4 (2) of Right to Information Act, 2005, i.e. Proactive Disclosure of Information”
    • • Department of Information Technology will serve as the nodal department for the development, operationalization and maintenance of the JSP.
  • One Family, One Job -Sikkim
    • • It envisions jobs to a member of every family which does not have a government job in the state.
  • Mission Kakatiya - Telangana
    • • The mission aims to enhance the development of agriculture-based income for small and marginal farmers, by
    • o Accelerating the development of minor irrigation infrastructure,
    • o Strengthening community-based irrigation management and
    • o Adopting a comprehensive programme for restoration of tanks.
  • Mission Bhagiratha - Telangana
    • • The scheme aims to provide drinking water to all households in rural (100 L per person) as well as urban areas (150 L per person).
    • • It aims to cover 25000 rural and 67 urban habitations through pipelines.
  • Rythu Bandhu Scheme - Telangana
    • • It is first of a kind investment support scheme for farmers which involves cheque payments to farmers based on their landholdings. The government gives every beneficiary farmer Rs. 4,000 per acre as “investment support” before every crop season.
    • • The objective is to help the farmer meet a major part of his expenses on seed, fertiliser, pesticide, and field preparation.
    • • The scheme covers 1.42 crore acres in the 31 districts of the state, and every farmer owning land is eligible.
  • Kanyashree Prakalpa Scheme -West Bengal
    • • It is conditional cash transfer scheme for girls who belong to families with annual family income not more than Rs. 1, 20,000
    • • It aims to improve the status and well-being of the girl child by incentivizing schooling of all teenage girls and delaying their marriages until the age of 18.
    • • United Nations awarded Kanyashree scheme first place for Public Service.
